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junpyo jeon

[Life Stories] 3 Most Important Choices

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The variables that have a major impact on life are parents, occupation, and spouse, and especially the choice of a spouse should be made carefully.
  • To choose a spouse without regrets, you should get to know the other person well, see if there are any similarities between you, gauge the future through the appearance of your parents, and set your own standards.
  • It is important to meet various people when you are young and establish standards for choosing a spouse through your parents' advice.

The three most influential variables in a person's life are:

Parents, occupation, and spouse.

Parents are predetermined, while occupations are constantly evolving compared to the past.

Occupation is something I worry about almost every day for the rest of my life.

The choice of a spouse has a huge impact on my life, just like the first two variables.

When you start a family and have children, it becomes difficult to change as easily as a job, as it's no longer just a couple's issue.

In a way, choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions, and many people make hasty choices and regret them later.

It's a big decision that's hard to undo, and there are no schools or anyone to teach you.

You have to make the best decision on your own.

Here are some criteria for choosing a spouse without regret:

Criteria 1)

You need to know your partner well. People can easily act in the early stages of dating.

The person you know in the early stages of dating is likely not the real person.

You need physical time to get to know your partner.

It takes about two years to see how your partner reacts in various situations.

Once you've spent that much time and have a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses,

Your partner will act within the range I've observed.

The risk of being betrayed is reduced.

Criteria 2)

You should have things in common with your partner. Hobbies, values, occupation, food, travel, preferences, sense of humor, etc.

You should have something in common. There are people who are completely different and have no common ground.

It's hard for those people to understand each other and are prone to conflict.

You should fight less.

Criteria 3)

You have to look at your partner's parents. The son is like the father, and the daughter is like the mother.

They are very likely to be similar.

The situation of your partner's parents in their home could be your future situation.

Your partner's parents are a mirror that reflects your future.

When you go to your partner's house to hang out, it's also a chance to show yourself off.

On the other hand, it's also a chance for you to assess your partner's parents.

Criteria 4)

You need to have conditions and criteria that you want your spouse to have.

If there are 10 things (personality, hobbies, financial ability, appearance, etc.) that you want your spouse to have,

There's no one who has all 10.

If there are 5 conditions to discard and 5 conditions to keep, what criteria do you have to determine which ones to discard and which ones to keep?

You need to have criteria for this.

To create these criteria, you should date as many people as possible when you're young.

It's not good to stay with one person for too long when you're young.

These are the criteria I think are important, but the criteria may vary from person to person.

The important thing is that parents should give their children advice on these criteria from a young age.

They should do this before their children reach the age when they no longer care about what their parents say.

There isn't much time.

junpyo jeon
junpyo jeon
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